Chipotle's responsive online ordering

Web and mobile design layout.

My Role

Working within Chipotle's messaging and branding strategy, I collaborated on and conceptualized web and mobile layouts. My primary project was designing ROO’s Bag Experience, a platform that allowed a host to manage their entire parties’ orders in one elegant checkout user flow.


Chipotle is an international brand that prides itself on its personality and purpose. Using humor and an irreverent voice, they can connect with customers in a lasting way that speaks to the commitment to fresh ingredients and sustainability, or what they call “Food”


The Challenge

The greatest challenge of this project was working within the parameters Chipotle set to offer a simple, but powerful multi-order structure. With that in mind, I worked to deliver a clear, well-designed, and easy-to-use platform allowing one customer to manage orders for upwards of 60 people.

Adding Guest User Flow

Checkout User Flow


ROO’s Bag and Checkout experience hit a crossroads as we worked to design the order flows for a single guest while contending with the overwhelming order information of a host. The Group Guest Bag was a single-column flow where one member of a party could order multiple meals. The meal summaries were organized into what we called “Zebra Stripe,” alternating sections of light and dark to visually show the different meals in a list. When designing the Group Host Bag experience or “Mega Bag” as I call it, we encountered issues of sensory overload when the host needed to manage their own orders as well as the orders of a large group. We determined that a single-column Zebra Striped flow was not going to cut it. I developed the idea of a bag that visually grew as the group got larger. As the group’s order swelled to four or more confirmed orders, the bag would expand to two columns. The meal summaries were then shown in a tile system that could expand downwards to show additional order information and then collapse to save space and reduce visual clutter.


We then implemented three tabs at the top of the bag, In Bag, Pending, and Declined Guests, which gives the host an elegant way to keep track of who’s hungry and who’s dragging their feet.



Mobile Group Order Host

Mobile Group Order Guest

Mobile Order Flow

Chipotle's Friend Or Faux

Designed and programmed complex interactive Flash and Rich Media advertising campaigns that helped to develop Chipotle’s interactive game “Friend or Faux.”

Animated Banners

Social Media Ad Campaign